Meet the Flow-ers: Katja
Aug 3, 2023

It is the team that makes the Flow, so let’s meet with the team to understand what and why Just Flow It is. Our founder is Kateryna Kazachinska, a designer. With background in programming and visual design Kateryna has a rare mix of talent and experience from all sides of developing online systems. The guiding principle, however, is what makes all the difference: strong emphasis on human-centered design and drive for perfection whatever she does.
Kateryna’s professional career started in database design and programming. Talents in mathematics and interest in programming took her to the university to study data models and business administration. Her talent was noticed and she was hired to Microsoft, where she eventually became as a head of development team in business products.
Search for something more than just the code
However, by time Kateryna realised that her professional focus was not in getting deeper in database design, or rise higher in the large corporate structures. She had feeling that something was missing: the focus for human and human experience was becoming more and more important for her.
“The business software is something more than just the code, or the ever important numbers of business activities. It is the user experience of people actually using the business application in their daily life. The database design might be flawless and the business numbers accurate, but if the user experience is poor, no-one wants to use the application, and the whole software is useless.” Kateryna describes.
With this idea in mind she decided to study design in a famous academy in Italy, the home of human-centered renaissance culture and the home of design itself. Her studies supported her conviction, that design matters a lot, and is, in fact, inseparable from the business logic and program code.
“In fact, if you take a closer look, a code and program logic can be a very beautiful thing, very much of example of design: arrangement, practicality, clear logic… all elements are the same as in the good visual and user experience design. And both user experience and the code are meaningless unless they connect with the real-life needs of the business, the people using the system.” she continues.
From visual design to Flow
This deep believe into interconnecting levels of design, code and human experience developed little by little in Kateryna’s mind. Years of focusing into visual design both in online systems, as well as launching of her own clothing brand, allowed her to focus on user experience, aesthetics and usability.
“I had a good opportunity to go into the deep end of user experience while working with very different types of client businesses. Analysing and understanding of the different commercial target groups in b-to-b marketing have taught me a lot. To understood quickly the needs of the users of online system, how to deliver the messages of both marketing and user experience level, to combine these into highly usable online services that customers love to use, that has been, and still is everyday, the challenge I meet in my work.” she tells.
Focusing into design and user experience, and learning to be a respected professional in this field paved the way for Kateryna to the next level: combining all she has learned this far in her professional life about business, about people, about code and databases and about design and usability, into one.
“Flow-like experience of highly working user-interface, highly optimised working processes, ultra-responsive and user-friendly systems and effortlessly stylish design, is the reason why Just Flow It exists. We want to bring all these benefits of exceptionally well working business applications to all companies, not just to the large corporations, but even to smallest micro-businesses. Everyone deserves good tools for their work, and when we saw this emergence of no-code and low-code development tools, it was the dream come true to us. Finally we could offer the best user experience and custom business applications to everyone.” Kateryna explains.
What’s next, then?
“Flow is just in the beginning. We represent a totally new philosophy in building business applications, and we believe we are only in the very beginning of digitalisation and digital disruption of all businesses, their tools and processes. We believe Flow can offer something wonderful to the everyday work of companies. For us, the next step is just to, you guessed it, just flow it!”
Now is your chance to challenge us! Contact Kateryna and she will help you find out what could be done better in the current digital business tools of yours.